
Collect Payments with Ease in 51 currencies

Use our cart widgets, checkout pages or custom invoices to collect payments. 100% compliance with EU VAT, GDPR, and SCA regulations.

Checkout widgets

Enable your website visitors to purchase your products or services without replacing your existing website, with a simple copy & paste.

Create Invoices Online

direct Invoicing

If your business requires that you issue custom invoices to your clients, plug&paid has got you covered: send them a link where they can see the invoice and pay it on the spot.


Get help from those who care about your cause, whether you're a non-profit, politician or simply trying to help a friend.


Recurring Payments

Offer subscriptions by creating custom Billing Plans. We support trials, one-time setup fee, subscription discounts and switching plans.


Instalment Plans

Useful for limited-time subscriptions, but even more valuable for boosting sales by allowing your customers to split large payments into smaller monthly payments.



With plug&paid, doing refunds is a piece of cake. Just choose the reason and we send your customer a refund email and execute the refund (available for Stripe and Instamojo). For other payment gateways, Offline Refunds are supported, with Mark as Refunded.

a wide range of payment methods

Link your preferred payment gateway account or create a new one. We never touch your money. It goes straight to your connected account, on every new sale.

* Click Here to see the complete list of supported currencies

3D Secure approval page

Credit Card Payments

We are a Verified Stripe Partner, and always update the system to support the latest regulatory requirements, such as 3D-Secure, Strong Customer Authentication and the EU PSD2.

Tied to Invoice & Automated Taxes

The payments are linked to a system that handles taxes automatically and generates professional invoices, ready to be sent to your accountant.

Zapier events, Webhooks and API

Integrates With Your Flow

plug&paid is easy to integrate with and plays nice with other systems, by using our Zapier integration or integrating via Webhooks and REST API.

Never Miss a Payment

Get better results by starting today!

No credit card required